Monthly Shopping = Failure!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012
  I can't wait for this month to be over! I have not been successful at this once a month grocery shopping plan, next month we're going back to $50/week. We have stocked up on a few things so we did spend more than planned.

 This week Kroger had chicken on sale for $.99/lb so we bought a few packages to freeze, they also had pasta sauce on sale so we picked up 4 jars to go with all the pasta we bought on sale a few weeks ago. Strawberries have been on sale at Aldi all summer for $.99/lb. After finally convincing Phillip that frozen strawberries are just as good in his smoothies as fresh one we bought 8lbs of those and froze them, now he has plenty of fruit for his smoothies.

 Another boo-boo I made this month? Not taking out cash for our grocery envelope, going out envelope, or our blow money envelope. I meant to do this but the month got away from me so I started thinking "what's the point".

Here's the rundown of our last shopping trip:

Salsa $1.49
Pasta Sauce $1.25 (x4)
Yogurt $.40 (x5)
Greek Yogurt $.99 (x3)
Butter $1.39
Milk $2.89
Tortilla Chips $2
Tyson Thighs $1.94
Tyson Thighs $2.46
Tyson Chicken Breasts $2.17
Tyson Chicken Breasts $2.43
Total:  $32.06

Soup $1.49 (x2)
Cucumbers $.39
Strawberries $.99 (x8)
Plastic Bag $.10
Total : $11.39

Weekly Total: $43.45


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