When you forget to eat your bananas...make bread!

Thursday, August 2, 2012
 So we tend to buy 2-3 more bananas/week than we actually eat because we think we're healthier than we apparently are. So around day 6 they start getting a little funky but I don't want to toss them, bananas are cheap but I wouldn't throw a quarter in the garbage would I? Probably not.

 So I've been scouring allrecipes.com for various bread recipes, today I think I found a winner.

So far I've tried this one: Best Banana Bread and this one:  Banana Bread IV. They were both a little meh. Nothing terribly awesome. Today I tried this recipe: Janet's Rich Banana Bread and it looks like a winner. I haven't actually tasted it yet because I had to pull it out of the oven and rush off to work but it smelled awesome. I didn't have any walnuts so I substituted chocolate, I figure it's an even trade :)

 What's your favorite way to use leftover produce?


  1. Muffins are always my go to for left over fruit.. and sometimes veggies (zucchini)Though honestly its probably about the same batter! :)

  1. Sunny said...:

    I made zucchini muffins earlier this summer, it was pretty much the same batter haha!! Except I added some nutmeg and cinnamon :)

  1. Tenntrace said...:

    This is on your FB page as well - http://www.thekitchn.com/magic-one-ingredient-ice-cream-5-ways-peanut-butter-nutella-and-more-171618

  1. Sunny said...:

    I have some bananas in the freezer right now :) going to try this in the magic bullet after dinner!!

  1. Anonymous said...:

    I tend to turn leftover fruit into muffins or bread. As for veggies, I try to make veggie soup or stir fry. If you don't have the ingredients for a soup, throw the veggies in some water in the crock pot or slow cooker and let them cook down into some nice vegetable stock you can freeze for a later soup. As I've mentioned before, I HATE wasting things, especially food. This is a good way to make sure things get used and don't go to waste! :D

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