Birthday Surprise

Friday, March 22, 2013
    This year I wanted to get Phillip something really awesome for his birthday. I picked what I thought was the perfect present and I couldn't wait to give it to him. I told him how awesome it was going to be and that he would love it. When I gave it to him he was surprised, but not necessarily in a good way. He definitely thought he was getting something "techy" but he was wrong. He ended up really liking it and it was finally warm enough recently for us to put it together and stick it in the garden.

  It's a compost bin! It's also enormous, I didn't realize how big something was that could hold 75 gallons. It's big enough for me to climb in, sit with my legs crossed and still have room to put the top on. I tried to convince him that he needed to take a picture of that but he thought it was silly. This coming from a man who wears a hat with ear flaps.

 We have tried composting before, we initially tried something called vermi-composting but we did it wrong and all of our worms died. Live and learn right?

 I didn't realize how much waste we throw out that could be turned into compost for our garden this summer. All of the peels from our fruit and veggies, coffee filters, coffee grounds, newspaper, egg shells, and the fiber left over after making juices can just be tossed into the bin. You can also throw your dryer lint in too. It's pretty nifty. We're still reading up on the ratios to make the everything break down faster. The bin that I bought is supposed to speed up the process because of the way it absorbs and distributes the heat.

 It's pretty nifty! So now our old compost bin is going to be used as a container garden, I'm going to try to use corn in it. It's just a 5 gallon tote from the Dollar Store but from what I've read it should work. Only our strawberry plants died before winter was over. The basil is still fine and our periwinkle is still blooming.

  We're going to get our seeds planted this weekend. Are you planting a garden this year? What are you trying to grow?


  1. MaryMary86 said...:

    We won one of those last year at a fund raiser raffle thing. We faithfully filled it all last summer, fall, and winter. Soon we'll see if anything really composted. I'll let you know how it worked! We have two other old school compost piles at the back of our property and the stuff breaks down nicely so I have high hopes for this black tower.

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