Bye Bye February...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013
And good riddance!!

  I normally don't have any problems with particular months but February just kicked our butts! We both got sick with a crud of some sort. Meaning a doctors visit and prescriptions, then my antibiotic made me not feel so hot, so more medicine. Plus a root canal and finding out all of my wisdom teeth need to go as soon as possible. I've not made that appointment yet because I'm a bit of a chicken. 

  February also brought more car repairs. Phillip called me on my way home to tell me "when I pulled in the Jeep was smoking, we need to take it to the shop tomorrow." The next day as we pulled/sputtered into the shop he got out of the drivers side and tried to shut the door. Then he tried to shut the door again...and again. No luck, the latch had busted. They put in a new water pump, to the tune of $280 which was actually a discounted rate because we had to wait longer than anticipated to get the car back. 

  The door was another story, it wouldn't stay shut. Solution? Bungee Straps. Oh yes, we were looking fabulous, his headlight is also strapped on with a bungee cord. It took me back to when I was little, my parents had this old black truck and if I'm remembering correctly there was a hole in the floorboard. That embarrassed me to no end. "But Moooom, all the other kids parents have NICE cars. What if I fall out!!" Obviously little Sunny didn't know that everyone else had car payments too. We didn't really know where to start to find a door so we called some junk yards and found one who could order the door. We crossed our fingers hoping it was the same color, it was!! We ordered it and finally put it on the Jeep Monday night. 
  He bought this Jeep in 2006 (I think) and is really reluctant to get rid of it. We're going to start a car repair fund in our savings account which we should have done prior to this. 

 Not everything in February was bad though. His parents came down for a visit which is always fun, we also had a chance to visit with his cousins before they leave for Mexico, my show wrapped up, and I was able to catch up on my sleep! My dad also had back surgery which so far seems to have gone pretty well. 

 How was your February? Did Cupid throw you any curveballs?


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