There is only one bill I have problems budgeting for. Everything else we have pretty exact amounts. This is the bill I've been dreading all month, all stinking, hot, icky, month. Can you guess which one it is???
Our utilities. Luckily since we rent our water is covered by the apartment complex but our electric bill is a bit of a beast.
This month I guessed and budgeted $100 for electricity, knowing we've been using more than normal. The bill came yesterday; $99.83! I felt triumphant.
Now I know we could lower our bill but you see, Phillip and I are whiny individuals. We don't like to be hot, especially when sleeping. So at night the thermostat goes down to 68 degrees, and before leaving for work it goes up to 75.
I figure we do pretty well at keeping the lights off and all that jazz and when winter comes we will barely use the heat (I slept with my window open most of last winter) so it should even out.
Which bill do you hate to find in your mail box? (Yes, "all of them" is an acceptable answer!)
Yeah, somewhere between our electric and our gas I just hate both of them. They are never the same and its funny I get one and think "That's lower than last month" well it's most likely because it's in the other... they balance each other out. Lower Gas, Higher Utilities, Higher Gas Lower utilities... Either way... Rather dumb!