I really wanted to wait until I ran out of Gain before I bought the supplies for the homemade soap but I went to Wal-Mart today and decided to go ahead and get the stuff.
Borax: $3.38
Super Washing Powder: $3.24
Fels-Naptha Soap: $.97
Total Cost: $7.59
What I didn't realize was that it makes a really small batch. For 1 Fels-Naptha soap you use 1 cup of Borax and 1 cup of washing powder. I also added some Purex Crystals for scent.
The Borax has 9.5 cups in the 76oz box so it costs $.35/cup.
The Super Washing Soda has 6.8 cups costing $.51/cup.
One batch of detergent costs approx: $1.83. Using 2 tbsp per load it works out to about $.07/load.
The Gain detergent I usually buy costs $15 for 96 loads which ends up being nearly $.16/load. I typically make it last 192 loads because I use half the recommended amount. When you do that it works out to be $.07. I'm not sure this laundry detergent will save us any money but I just had to try it .
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