This could have been a Pinstrosity...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012
 This morning the first words I heard were: *chuckle* "Well Sunny, your bread dough has risen."


  Last night I planned to make pizza roll for dinner, I made it a few times over the summer and it turned out really well but last night I couldn't get the darn dough to rise! We have the heat/air off right now so it's staying around 68 degrees, which apparently isn't warm enough to thaw frozen bread dough and make it rise.

 So when Phillip came home from work and saw a frozen lump of dough on the stove he decided it would probably be better to just go out for dinner. I forgot all about the dough until this morning.

After I cut off the ends that dried out and punched the air out of it this is what I had to work with:
That's more like it!
 So I went ahead and got dinner ready for tonight. This is a really easy recipe I stole from here, but I changed it up a little bit.

I love my giant cutting/rolling out stuff on board and rolling pin!

Mix 1/2 container of ricotta with herbs. I used Oregano, Basil, Garlic, and Red Pepper Flakes

Sprinkle with whatever shredded cheese you prefer, cover with pepperoni.

Ta-Dah! (which is short for Da-da-da-da!)
You get nerd points for knowing that reference....
 There ya have it! We'll see if it actually worked once I bake it for dinner tonight, I'm not sure if the dough will be tough from having expanded so much.
Ingredients+cost breakdown:
 1 loaf of Rhodes frozen bread dough $1
 1/2 container of ricotta cheese $1
 1 cup of shredded cheese $.50 (Still using the cheese I got at UGO!)
 1/2 package of pepperoni $.50 (on sale at Kroger, 10 for $10)
  Spices - on hand/negligible 

 Total: $3! ($3.50 if you want to head up a little bit of pizza sauce to dip it in)

 Hope you all have a great day! It's Wednesday, yay!!!


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