So.....we've been pretty boring recently. Sorry 'bout that.
We have been attending a new Bible Fellowship class for young married couples, last night we went to the annual Christmas party. It was a lot of fun and we met a lot of the people in the class we hadn't talked to before. Each person was asked to bring something for the White Elephant exchange. Remember all that decluttering we did? It was hard to find things we weren't using! I did dig up a Bedazzler and wrapped a cookbook for Phillip to take.
/tangent, back to the point. The hardest adjustment to this new job was only being paid once/month instead of biweekly. I think we've finally gotten the hang of it though. My initial fear was of using up the check too quickly and not having enough to last until the end of the month.
The system we have started doing is pretty popular with people who use the You Need A Budget software (we don't use that, I've just seen a lot of references on the Total Money Makeover forums). You basically arrange things so that you're living on your income from the previous month. You can read about that here. It does take out a lot of the stress, knowing that you have that buffer in case something happens.
I never thought I'd say this also makes it kind of fun to pay the bills. We still have a long way to go but tonight as I went through and paid all of our student loans payments it was with more of a "we can do this!" attitude rather than a cranky "we're never going to get these paid off!" perspective. That could be my massive mug of hot chocolate talking but I don't think so. Since we've started taking control of our money and budgeting we've really felt more content with the things we have and have less of the "I wants". It's super cheesy but following FPU really does make it possible to feel peaceful about your finances, even if you have a mountain of student loans left to pay off.
On a lighter note...I have a pretty fabulous pinstrosity to share after Christmas. It was intended to be a Christmas gift, we're going to try to salvage it. We'll see how that goes!!
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