Strawberry season has wrapped up. Think we stocked up enough?
This load was from our last trip to the berry farm. |
5 gallon size bags full of frozen strawberries. I tried to stack them on the scale but they kept falling over! I'm estimating it's about 20 pounds. |
I also learned to make jam this year! It was pretty easy! We have 8 half pints of strawberry jam in the cupboard. It was a lot of fun to learn and I look forward to using this new skill when blackberries come in season in a few weeks!
The farm we have been going to charges $1.35/lb for strawberries, this is typically cheaper than the grocery store. They taste so much better since they're so fresh! They aren't really sprayed with any insecticides and shopping there supports local business. Sounds like a win/win situation for everyone!
We're hoping those strawberries will last until next Spring but I'm not sure they will. We're running out of room in our freezer and it's not even blueberry season yet! I'm going to start scouring Craigslist for a mini freezer to keep our fruit in.
We went back to Missouri for Memorial Day and brought this contraption back with us. I am pretty excited about it. Here's a really easy recipe for Kettle Corn if anyone is interested.
Here's a really easy recipe for Kettle Corn if anyone is interested.
1 tbsp Coconut Oil, 1/3 cup Popcorn, 2 tbsp sugar, and salt to taste. |
Melt your coconut oil on medium heat. Drop in 1 kernel of popcorn. When that kernel pops you're ready to add the rest of the popcorn and sugar. Attach the lid and stir like crazy! |
As soon as it has stopped popping dump it into your serving bowl. If it stays in the hot popper it might burn. |
Enjoy! |
Yesterday was the first successful batch I have made on my own! No burnt kernels here! No burnt Sunnys either. I usually have Phillip make this for me because hot grease freaks me out, since he's taller his face is not as close to the popping grease as mine is.
That's all I have for today!
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