Dear Stuff,
I'm sorry, you have to go. This isn't working out anymore. I don't have time for you and you're impossible to organize. You see, the less of you that sticks around the faster I'll be able to clean and I'll be able to actually find what I'm looking for because you haven't been piled on top of it. You in my desk, closets, dresser, every time I turn around there you are. I really need some space, you're smothering. If I don't stop this now we're going to end up on Hoarders and I really don't want to embarrass you. Trust me this is for the best.
<3 Sunny
I like stuff. You see in my family we're "collectors". When I was little I collected rocks, then Barbies and their accessories, then Beatles and Smiley Face stuff. I went through many phases of collecting things. I'm pretty sure my parents still have a bucket of rocks in the basement from when I was 5.
When you combine 2 households your stuff seems to multiply. Right now our office is in shambles because we're getting ready to have a yard sale. This weekend we are going to be doing some deep cleaning/purging.
Here are the rules for clearing things out, stuff is getting kicked out if:
1. If we forgot it existed.
2. If we have multiples.
3. If we haven't used it in the last 6 months.
4. Clothing - if it's a summer item but it hasn't been used this season it goes.
We're separating into 2 piles to begin with:
1. Yard Sale
2. Garbage
Anything that is not media that doesn't sell in the yard sale is going to the Habitat store. Media items will be sold via All $$ from items sold will be thrown at our student loans. 2 birds, 1 stone. Genius!
After the purging of unnecessary things then we will organize what's left. I'm pretty excited about that!
Do you have any fabulous organizing tips?
Fun fact: anything you sell on is actually shipped to 1 of 2 stores near me called Manifest Discs in Charlotte. The other is in Columbia, SC. Go where you can get the best price! I have some other fun things to share with you, too. Phone date soon?