Finally Made it to a Zero Based Budget!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012
  I finally did it, gave every dollar a name for next month. Every penny has a place to go, as long as we don't cheat our system!

 Hopefully no unexpected expenses come up *knocks on wood*. In July we had to buy 2 tires for my car (goodbye $240...) and Phillip stepped on his laptop so we ordered a new screen ($66, granted it's much cheaper than a new laptop!)

Here's what our pie chart looks like, I think I'm into graphing things this week....

Now the trick is...not to overspend where we've budgeted!

The personal section is a little inflated this month, taking a trip for a friends wedding in Kentucky so we've rented a car and hotel. We are also going to take a Financial Peace University class at a local church and we paid the registration for the class.

It's pretty exciting to know where everything will go. I think it makes me spend more purposefully, I mean really our house is cluttered as it is. I don't need more 'stuff'!


  1. I am SO impressed! I would love to go through FPU if only I could get Ethan on board. He likes the whole, "is there money in the account? Yes? Good." method... ;P

  1. Sunny said...:

    LOL we assumed Phillip would do all the money stuff because he used to be super detailed about his finances and I just kind checked it once a month to make sure it was still there. Now he's like "I'm out of apple juice" and I tell him "it's Wednesday, I'm not going to the store until should have told me last week!"

  1. Eliothie said...:

    I'm so jealous you guys are taking FPU!!!! You're gonna get so fired up over this stuff!!!!

  1. Anonymous said...:

    WOOHOO for FPU! This is super exciting! Ryan and I did it as part of our marriage counseling and it was well worth our time. It's totally revamped now and even better. You all will do great! :D

    Also, I really like your pie chart! It's quite nice looking and helpful. Way to throw all that money at the debt slice! What do you use to make your charts? Ryan and I aren't too good at doing the zero-based budget yet, but we're going to give it a go this month.

    Great job!

  1. Sunny said...:

    I used Microsoft Word to make the chart, I kept finding these really crappy online chart builders. Then I remembered I could make them with Word, I like it much better!!
    I'm a little nervous about FPU, it's at a church I've never been to so hopefully they're nice!!

  1. Sunny said...:

    That's the goal, we can rehash it with you after each class if you'd like :) You can come over for dinner or we can meet for lunch sometime during the week.

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Very nice! I might try to play around with it too. We took FPU at a church we weren't attending, but everyone was super nice and welcoming. It was good for us to practice getting out of our shells with people we don't know. I'm sure you'll do just fine!

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