We celebrated our first day of fall by heading to the zoo! In Missouri we always went to the St. Louis Zoo so I would say I'm pretty darn spoiled. I took some pictures to share with you guys, enjoy!
This guy was waaay bigger than anything we've encountered biking in the mountains! Thanks goodness! |
Just in case the raccoons have learned to read... |
I'm pretty sure this guy would have let me hold him if I had some food for him!
Phillip is going to kill me for posting this. Shhh don't tell him I did it! :)
The reptile enclosures were awful , it didn't even look like there was any way for the snakes to stretch or move around. I did have to stifle a giggle when a lady next to me looked at the corn snake and turned to her husband "it's pretty but definitely deadly". No...it's not. Many people keep them as pets, but that baby copperhead that you're calling cute? Yeah, that one's actually dangerous.
We enjoyed ourselves for fairly little cost. I bought our tickets at Kroger for BOGO $20 plus we paid $5 for parking. Did you know the St. Louis Zoo larger with better exhibits and it's free? I mentioned I was spoiled right?
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