Last week I spent some time making a pretty adorable chart of our loan disbursements from smallest to largest. Today we get to cross one off!
Phillip and I sat down and looked everything over and submitted an online payment to FedLoan servicing to pay off my smallest student loan. This morning they took it out of our account, I should recieve a paid in full letter in about 30 days!
Tomorrow we're sending off a check to WellsFargo to pay off one of Phillips loan disbursements. I hate that we can't do an online payment because I feel like mailing in a check is going to take forever to process. So we'll get to cross off another one soon!
Between those 2 payments we will have paid off $3600! Pretty exciting stuff :) This frees up $75 a month from the minimum payments to put towards our disbursement which should take less than 2 months to pay off. It feels pretty good to see some progress made!
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