Get Paid for Cleaning Your House!

Monday, September 24, 2012
I mailed out this package today: 

 When Phillip and I put all of our stuff together we realized we had a lot of it. Apparently during our teenage years we amassed quite the CD collections. It was kind of cute to find out we had a lot of duplicates. I was really attached to my collection in high school, I would organize them at least once/week and every allowance pretty much went to buying new ones. Now several years later here we are with Pandora and Spotify. I haven't really touched my CDs in years except to move them from one place to another.

 We also amassed quite a few DVDs that we didn't watch very often. So we toted them all off to our yard sale and sold what we could. Then we brought the rest home. Most of my CDs went untouched by our yardsale patrons, apparently no one listens to Hanson or Clay Aiken. *shrug* I'm sorry you're not as awesome as me.

 So last night I did what I hoped I'd be able to avoid. I went through the pile and checked out the trade-in program. I entered every. single. one. individually. It was a pretty slow process and there were quite a few items that they were not accepting at this time. What you see in the picture above is the stuff they accepted. So what was our payoff?
 $49.50 in Amazon credits! 
 This works out well because we're crafting some Christmas gifts and were planning on buying the supplies from Amazon anyway! Also the Amazon program offers free shipping, you can choose how you want to ship it (UPS, USPS, or FedEx) and print a prepaid label, tape it on an you're ready to go!

 I'm going to try to sell the rest of the CDs to, they don't pay as well as Amazon and you have to wait to be reimbursed for shipping but I'm going to see if it's worth it. If it isn't they're going to Habitat ReStore. 

Now I'm off to make dinner! Trying a new recipe from Pinterest tonight, we'll see how it goes! 


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